Wednesday 2 May 2012

literacy- cry of the taniwha - chapter 9-10

caucasion- a human race with white to light brown skin especially europeans
complexxion- the colour and general appearance of a persons skin or face.
absence - the state of being away
sovereigns-  A name for old fash
resistant -the act or an instance of resisting
corrosion-the process of something breaking, ruusting and or falling apart

. jim was horrified at the state of hes suns school when he told him that he was bullied because  he was caucasion.

2. As you could see the complexion in  his weary face, Tim was afraid to go in the deep, dark black hole by his self .

3 the entire class had noticed the absence of nate as he was the star student in the bay wide cross country.

4  as donny and jessie  quickly skimmed  around the chilli woods the spotted sovereigns in the corner of there eyes.

5 ryan was resistant of going to his new school in murupara but once he was there he loved it

6 the corrosion on Mt everest lead climber to lose his life

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